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Entrepreneur University: What is the measurement?

Setsail Team

Cikarang, Indonesia—Many higher education institutions in Indonesia claims their institutions as Entrepreneur University. However, if being asked what are the indicators towards the claims, the answer is still vague. One of the most popular indicators used is using the total amount of university graduates that becomes an enterpreneur. But, how many?

Referring to some abroad universities, the total amount is quite high. According to Financial Times (2015), there are 46% MBA alumni from Babson College in the United States open their business right after they graduate. The number is increasing three times since 2012 that was only 17%.

The same situation is also occur in other higher education institutions. For instance, in Ipade Business School in Mexico City, Mexico, 46% of its graduate build start-up business. It has been increased by 70% compared to 2012 which was only 6%. Or in Stanford's Graduate School of Business right after graduate, 34% of the alumni (14% in 2012) open their business.

Same thing goes with Harvard Business School (28% in 2015 increased by 6% from 2012), Oxford (27% - 5%), and some other universities. In conclusion, average number of alumni who set up their own business since 2012 until 2015 grow more than three times.

Is this the indicator of an Entrepreneur University?  Or is there any other parameter that can be used to measure how far a university develops its potency to innovate the entrepreneurship? To answer some of the questions, University of Gloucestershire (UoG), England, collaborated with President University (PresUniv) to hold a workshop which discuss this matter. The topic is "Growing Indonesia - A Triangular Approach (GITA)".

A Workshop which was held in Celecton Hotel, Cikarang, West Java, on 7 - 12 December 2017, involved by seven higher education institutions from Indonesia and three from Europe. They are; Universitas Padjajaran, Bandung; Universitas Brawijaya and STIE Malangkucecwara from Malang, East Java; Universitas Negeri Semarang, Semarang, Central Java; Univeristas Ahmad Dahlan and Universitas Islam Indonesia from Yogyakarta; Dublin Institute of Technology, (Ireland); Fachhochschule des Mittelstands (Germany); The University of Innsbruck (Austria).

According to Adhi Setyo Santoso, Director of Setsail Biz Accel, a business incubator under PresUniv, "GITA can be used to maintain the capacity of students, alumni, lecturers, and civitas academica of the university in developing Entrepreneurial University. This is important for higher education institutions and other organizations in order to face the rapid and disruptive changes."

Meanwhile, Nadine Sulkowski from UoG stated, "In Indonesia with more than 260 million population, as a country with the highest economy growth in Southeast Asia, the support for start-up business is still fragmented. It need a more coordinated approach by involving education sector, government, and Industry to build the capacity of entrepreneurship."

How GITA can accommodate higher education institutions' effort to be the real Entrepreneur University, not only a baseless claim? Follow the next article.



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