Source by President University Website

Cikarang, Indonesia - President University visited Growth Hub of the University of Gloucestershire, England on 12 April 2018. The representatives from President University were the Rector of President University Prof. Dr. Jony Oktavian Haryanto, the Director of Setsail BizAccel (Business Incubator at President University) Adhi Setyo Santoso, S.T., MBA., and the Head of Partnerships Bureau Marissa Astika, B. Sc., M.B.A.
Growth Hub itself is a place where students, lecturers, businessmen, and the founders of startup companies can meet to discuss and work together to develop businesses that are initiated by each party.
This visit was part of the Erasmus + project called GITA (Growing Indonesia: A Triangular Approach) which was carried out for 3 years until 2020. This project was funded by the European Union to initiate the growth of several Growth Hub by 7 universities in Indonesia, namely President University, Universitas Padjadjaran, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Universitas Brawijaya, STIE Malangkucecwara, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, dan Universitas Islam Indonesia.
Throughout the project, UK experts will assess, plan and guide entrepreneurship programs at Indonesian universities designed to support graduates and the local community.
Furthermore, this project also collaborates with colleagues from Europe, namely the Dublin Institute of Technology from Ireland, Fachhochschule des Mittelstands from Germany, and the University of Innsbruck from Austria.