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ICC X PDC Invited Indomaret Group to Provide Retail Business Updates and Jobs Opportunities

Setsail Team

Internship and Career Center (ICC) President University together with the President Development Center (PDC) held a webinar by inviting representatives of the Indomaret Group as the speakers. Andrianto, HR Manager, Recruitment and Placement of Indomaret Group, explained the business landscape of Indomaret Group, which is not only engaged in the retail industry but also courier and electronic wallet services. He also explained how the Indomaret Group survived in the pandemic era and continued to be innovative in providing services that made costumers shop easier.

The Director of ICC, J. B. Susetiyo, mentioned that this event was organized to expand the knowledge of students, alumni, and lecturers about retail and distribution business in the era and post-pandemic situation. In addition, the recruitment info session of the Indomaret Group also will be very useful for students who are looking for internships or alumni who are looking for jobs.

Andrianto said that a good relationship with President University had been established with the high-quality human resources shown by student interns and alumni who worked at the Indomaret Group. On this occasion, the team from Indomaret Group also presented an internship program and various job vacancies that could be applied by students and alumni of President University. Students and alumni can apply from their houses by accessing During the pandemic, the entire application process will be carried out online. (SL)

ICC X PDC Mengundang Indomaret Group untuk Memberikan Update Bisnis Retail dan Sesi Info Lowongan Pekerjaan

Internship and Career Center (ICC) President University bersama President Development Center (PDC) mengadakan webinar dengan mengundang perwakilan Indomaret Group sebagai pembicara. Andrianto, HR Manager, Recruitment and Placement Indomaret Group, memaparkan lanskap bisnis Indomaret Group yang tidak hanya bergerak di bidang ritel, tetapi juga jasa kurir dan dompet elektronik. Ia juga menjelaskan bagaimana Indomaret Group bertahan di era pandemi dan terus berinovasi dengan layanan-layanan yang memudahkan para konsumen untuk berbelanja.

Direktur ICC, J. B. Susetiyo, menyebutkan acara ini dibuat untuk memperbaharui pengetahuan mahasiswa, alumni, dan dosen seputar bisnis ritel dan distribusi di era dan pasca pandemi. Selain itu, sesi info rekrutmen dari Indomaret Group akan sangat berguna bagi mahasiswa yang sedang mencari tempat magang atau alumni yang sedang mencari pekerjaan.

Andrianto mengaku hubungan yang baik dengan President University telah dijalin dengan kualitas unggul yang ditunjukkan mahasiswa magang dan alumni yang bekerja di Indomaret Group. Dalam kesempatan ini, tim dari indomaret Group juga mempresentasikan program magang dan berbagai lowongan pekerjaan yang dapat dijajal oleh mahasiswa dan alumni President University. Mahasiswa dan alumni dapat melakukan proses aplikasi dari rumah masing-masing dengan mengakses Selama pandemi, seluruh proses aplikasi akan dilakukan secara daring. (SL)

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