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Alumni Leadership e-Gathering 2020: Economy Survival Amidst COVID-19

Setsail Team

The COVID-19 pandemic does not only had affected people's health but also their economy and well-being. Responding to this, President University held an Alumni Leadership e-Gathering with the topic "Economy Survival", considering that survive economically has become one of the main challenges faced by almost everyone during the pandemic (5/20).

This gathering presented S.D. Darmono, founder of President University as well as Jababeka Group, one of the largest property companies in Indonesia, as the main speaker. Moderated by Kunthi Kusumawardhani, SHI., MBA., a President University alumni batch 2008 who is also a President University lecturer, this gathering was held online with alumni from various majors participating and get an explanation regarding Indonesia's current economic landscape.

The gathering was quite interesting because the alumni could freely submit their questions, express their opinion, and exchange ideas related to the topics raised. Among them, Rahadiyan Yana, President University alumni batch 2008 who currently works as an Associate at Baker McKenzie who got the opportunity to discuss funding assistance from the government to sustain the Indonesian economy.

On this occasion, S.D. Darmono revealed that communication and collaboration play an important role in surviving in economic challenges. Communicating the company's situation with all stakeholders is important for a leader to do. He then also mentioned that collaboration between alumni and universities was important in which education was one of the important keys to combating COVID-19 and poverty.

S.D. Darmono encouraged all alumni to work together through this challenge. "I hope everyone enjoyed our session today. Please be reminded that this is the time for President University alumni to move forward and help other people, we can survive in this challenging time by maintaining our business and helping people at the same time," he concluded. (SL)

Alumni Leadership e-Gathering 2020: Economy Survival Amidst COVID-19

Pandemi COVID-19 tidak hanya berdampak pada kesehatan masyarakat, namun juga pada ekonomi dan kesejahteraan mereka. Menanggapi ini, President University mengadakan Alumni Leadership e-Gathering dengan topik “Economy Survival”, mengingkat bertahan secara ekonomi sebagai salah satu tantangan utama yang dihadapi hampir semua orang selama pandemi (20/5).

Gathering ini menghadirkan S.D. Darmono, pendiri President University sekaligus Jababeka Group, salah satu perusahaan properti terbesar di Indonesia, sebagai pembicara utama. Dimoderatori oleh Kunthi Kusumawardhani, SHI., MBA., alumni President University angkatan 2008 yang juga adalah dosen President University, gathering ini diadakan secara online dengan alumni dari berbagai jurusan hadir dan mendapatkan penjelasan terkait landskap ekonomi Indonesia saat ini.

Gathering ini cukup menarik karena para alumni secara bebas dapat menyampaikan pertanyaan, menuangkan ide, dan bertukar pikiran terkait topik yang diangkat. Diantaranya, Rahadiyan Yana, alumni President University angkatan 2012 yang saat ini bekerja sebagai Associate di Baker McKenzie yang mendapatkan kesempatan untuk mendiskusikan mengenai bantuan dana dari pemerintah untuk menopang perekonomian Indonesia.

Dalam kesempatan ini, S.D. Darmono mengungkapkan bahwa komunikasi dan kolaborasi memainkan peranan penting dalam menghadapi tantangan ekonomi. Mengkomunikasikan situasi perusahaan dengan semua stakeholders menjadi penting untuk dilakukan seorang pemimpinan. Ia kemudian juga menyebutkan bahwa kolaborasi antara alumni dan universitas penting di mana dalam hal ini pendidikan menjadi salah satu kunci penting untuk memerangi COVID-19 dan kemiskinan.

S.D. Darmono berpesan kepada seluruh alumni untuk saling bergotong royong melewati tantangan ini bersama. “Saya harap semua menikmati sesi kita hari ini. Saya mengingatkan bahwa ini saatnya alumni President University maju, dengan menolong orang, kita juga bertahan, mempertahankan bisnis kita di saat yang bersamaan,” tutupnya. (SL)

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