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Collaboration of Various Disciplines of Science is Required for Developing IoT Applications

Setsail Team

President University students from three study programs, Business Administration, Electrical Engineering, and Information Engineering attended a guest lecture on the topic "The Potential of the Internet of Things (IoT) Business in Indonesia". This guest lecture was held at President University's Business Incubator Building, Setsail BizzAcel last Thursday (12/3) and was attended by more than 70 students and lecturers from the study program.

In this public lecture, Novi Arian, IoT Innovation & Enablement PT XL Axiata Tbk. As a speaker, he explained the potential of the open IoT business in Indonesia. Novi explained, "There are more than 400 devices that will be connected to each other thanks to IoT until 2022. Then, the business value created up to that year will reach Rp400 trillion."

Through this public lecture, students learn that success in developing IoT collaboration applications from various fields of science, not just from one science.

"This guest lecture involving various study programs has become important as a venue for exchanging ideas, dialogues, in order to develop various IoT applications that are in line with market needs," said JB Susetiyo, Director of President University's Development Center President, when opening the guest lecture. The afternoon guest lecture ended with a question and answer session. ( SL)

Kolaborasi Berbagai Bidang Ilmu Diperlukan untuk Mengembangkan Aplikasi IoT

Mahasiswa President University dari tiga program studi, Business Administration, Teknik Elektro, dan Teknik Informatika mengikuti kuliah tamu dengan topik “Potensi Bisnis Internet of Things (IoT) di Indonesia”. Kuliah tamu ini diselenggarakan di Gedung Inkubator Bisnis President University, Setsail BizzAcel Kamis lalu (12/3) dan diikuti oleh lebih dari 70 mahasiswa dan dosen dari program studi tersebut.

Dalam kuliah umum ini, Novi Arian, IoT Innovation & Enablement PT XL Axiata Tbk. Sebagai pembicara memaparkan potensi bisnis IoT yang terbuka di Indonesia. Novi menjelaskan, "Ada lebih dari 400 perangkat yang akan saling terkoneksi berkat IoT sampai dengan tahun 2022. Lalu, nilai bisnis yang tercipta sampai dengan tahun itu akan mencapai Rp400 triliun."

Melalui kuliah umum ini, mahasiswa belajar bahwa keberhasilan dalam mengembangkan aplikasi IoT kolaborasi dari berbagai bidang ilmu, bukan hanya dari satu ilmu saja.

"Kuliah tamu yang melibatkan berbagai prodi ini menjadi penting sebagai ajang untuk saling bertukar pikiran, berdialog, guna mengembangkan berbagai aplikasi IoT yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan pasar," kata JB Susetiyo, Direktur President Development Center President University, saat membuka kuliah tamu tersebut. Kuliah tamu sore itu diakhiri dengan sesi tanya jawab. (JBS/SL)

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