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CTO Forum and Cloud Computing Guest Lecture from Amazon Web Service

Setsail Team

Source: President University

Mahasiswa President University mengikuti kuliah tamu “CTO Forum and Cloud Computing” pada Selasa, 21 Februari 2020 yang diadakan oleh Inkubator Bisnis President University, Setsail BizAccel. Kuliah tamu ini menghadirkan tim dari Amazon Web Service, anak perusahaan Amazon yang menyediakan layanan-layanan berbasis Cloud Computing. Aris Prabhawa, Muhamad Yopan, dan Bimo Yuwono Arie Prabowo hadir sebagai pembicara di kuliah tamu ini. Dalam acara ini, ketiganya menjelaskan mengupas tuntas mengenai teknologi di AWS. Selain itu, mereka juga memperkenalkan CTO Forum dan Cloud Computing untuk bisnis digital dan IT.

President University students attended a guest lecture entitled "CTO Forum and Cloud Computing" on Tuesday, February 21, 2020. The event was organized by President University's Business Incubator, Setsail BizAccel. The guest lecture presented a team from Amazon Web Service, a subsidiary of Amazon that provides on-demand cloud computing platforms. Aris Prabhawa, Muhamad Yopan, and Bimo Yuwono Arie Prabowo were present as speakers at this guest lecture. In this event, the three explained thoroughly about technology at AWS. In addition, they also introduced the CTO Forum and Cloud Computing for digital and IT businesses.

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