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Inaugurates SetSail BizAccel Business Incubator by Minister of Tourism Republic of Indonesia

Setsail Team

Cikarang, Indonesia—President University hosted Dr. Ir. Arief Yahya, M.Sc., Minister of Tourism of the Republic of Indonesia in the Presidential Lecture event titled "Indonesian Tourism & Entrepreneurship: Between Local Business Creation and Global Competition" and held at Charles Himawan Auditorium, President University (25/9). The event was hosted by Dwi Larso, Ph.D, Vice Rector for Academic, President University, and attended by Dr. H.M Ahman Sya, Deputy for Institutional Development of Tourism, hotel general managers, some businessman from several companies around Jababeka area, and more than 400 lecturers and students.

The event was opened by a remark from Dwi Larso and continued with the main lecture of Arief Yahya. In his presentation, he emphasized the importance of digital media to help the branding process. Digital media effectiveness is four times more than that of conventional media. 70% search and share are using digital.

Digital platform is one of the key platforms that the government optimizes to support its activities, resulting a very significant growth. Indonesia’s growth is four times faster compared to the regional and global growth, with 23.53%  growth from January to July 2017.

Arief Yahya explained the awards achieved by Indonesia through a video made by the Ministry of Tourism Indonesia entitled "Wonderful Indonesia". Indonesia has won 46 awards in 22 countries by 2016 and in 2017, Indonesia won two awards at the prestigious "United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Video Competition".

"To perform an effective branding, place the brand in a strategic place and in the right moment. At that time, we put up a billboard 'Wonderful Indonesia' in the city of Paris which is holding a Euro Cup 2016 event. These results are effective for increasing the number of French tourists visiting Indonesia. We also place advertisements in strategic places in some countries such as the UK, the Netherlands, Australia, Japan, China and Korea," Arief said.

According to Arief, to attract tourists and investors, Indonesia's deregulation efforts should focus on two things: ease of entry into Indonesia and ease of doing business.

In addition, he explains the need for change agents, and the most effective change agent is university. Therefore, universities in Indonesia which in particular have tourism studies are expected to participate in preparing the community for sustainable tourism development. Ministry of Tourism hopes the university can help to socialize tourist attractions in Indonesia to the public.

"I also expect the same thing to President University. Focusing on manufacturing tourism is a smart move, because Cikarang area is full of industry. I hope President University becomes a change agent for manufacturing tourism in Cikarang," said Arief.

The event ends with a token of appreciation submission and a shared photo.

On the same day, the Minister of Tourism of the Republic of Indonesia, Arief Yahya inaugurated The President University Business Accelerator, named SetSail BizAccel, located in Jababeka City. This program is a business incubation for President University students and alumni.

In the inauguration, Arief Yahya stated that this business incubation should be able to prepare to win global competition, and the current business incubation should be directed toward digital. This business incubator must be close to the industry in order to run well and the incubation result can be absorbed by the market.

SetSail BizAccel name reflects that the incubator will bring the incubator participants to set sail for a better future. This newly opened incubator has 30 initial participants engaged in various business lines.

In strengthening its learning process, President University welcomes cooperation with practitioners including industry and entrepreneurs. With the 2017 Curriculum of President University, the learning process requires the involvement of practitioners in the form of team teaching, guest lectures, mentoring, internship, industrial visits and lectures. In addition, research activities and community service will collaborate with the industry. The existence of President University in the midst of thousands of industries in Jababeka must be able to take the maximum benefit of this advantage.  Curriculum 2017 promotes the development of professionalism and entrepreneurship. Every student of President University gets compulsory lecture material of Entrepreneurship since the early semester with the aim of developing entrepreneurial mindset and behavior. These entrepreneurial mindsets and behaviors, such as self-confidence, persistence, positive thinking, and optimism, will determine the success of the graduates, regardless of their profession in the future.

In the second year, students are given Intrapreneurship materials, where entrepreneurial behavior is applied in a large organizational environment. Students are grouped into a 'company' to design, run, and utilize the results for social activities. Students will learn various skills and behavior related to management, risk taking, communication, leadership, conflict management, negotiation, selling techniques, and others. In the third year, students are given the opportunity to run a real business mentored by entrepreneurial mentors, for a whole year.

"To support the curriculum, the role of practitioners and entrepreneurs from the industrial world is very vital with the aim of providing insight, guidance, and experience to the students. The success of entrepreneurship education should be supported by a nurturing ecosystem. One element of the ecosystem is a business acceleration facility. To that end, the Minister of Tourism, Arief Yahya is pleased to inaugurate SetSail BizAccel in President University which is intended as a means to meet and synergize entrepreneurs as mentors, students as aspiring entrepreneurs, venture capitals, academic faculty, and others. As stated by the Minister of Tourism, SetSail BizAccel is directed to develop new Start-Ups in technology (technopreneurship), especially by utilizing the progress of the digital world (digipreneurship)," said Dwi Larso.



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