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Knowing Your Talent, Prusue, your Career with

Source: President University

President University students had an opportunity to attend the "Knowing Your Talent, Pursue Your Career" event on March 5, 2020. The event was held at the President University Business Incubator, SetSail BizAccel. @ceritainid, a social entrepreneur company engaged in mental health consulting services, was present to guide students to find career paths suitable for their future. Not only got the knowledge, the students were invited to play games to find out about what talents they have and what kind of industry that is suitable for their career in the future. There was also a question and answer session that fulfill the students’ curiosity about the material presented by Abhipraya Dibyaguna, Head Of Training & Consulting at HVA Consulting as well as the psikolog team from

Mahasiswa President University mendapat kesempatan untuk menghadiri acara "Knowing Your Talent, Pursue Your Career" pada tanggal 5 Maret 2020. Acara ini diadakan di Inkubator Bisnis President Univeristy, SetSail BizAccel untuk membimbing mahasiswa menemukan jalan karir yang cocok untuk masa depan mereka. Hadir untuk berbagi dalam kesempatan ini adalah @ceritainid, sebuah perusahaan sosialpreneur yang bergerak di bidang jasa konsultasi kesehatan mental. Tidak hanya mendengarkan materi, mahasiswa diajak bermain games untuk mengetahui talenta yang mereka miliki cocoknya di bidang seperti apa saat berkarir nanti. Selain itu juga ada sesi tanya-jawab yang memenuhi rasa ingin tahu peserta tentang materi yang sebelumnya disampaikan oleh Abhipraya Dibyaguna, Head Of Training & Consulting di HVA Consulting sekaligus tim psikolog dari

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